Throughout history many great religions have been centered around sacred texts containing beliefs and doctrines. The Bible. the Talmud, the Koran, the Torah, Book of Mormon, and Dianetics are included in this illustrious list. This book, Fifty Shades of Phil, is funnier than them all. Fifty Shades of Phil is a sarcastic, and sometimes ego-centric, look at the first decade of 21st century American pop-culture through the eyes the self-proclaimed Grand Poobah of Leisure and author of the hilarious long-running blog The Phil Factor. Opining on topics from the President, to the Pope to American Idol and internet dating Phil has a sarcastic everyman view that exposes many of our cultural habits for the idiotic ideas that they are. Laugh out loud funny and thoroughly original, Fifty Shades of Phil is a classic bathroom reader for the new millennium.