Designed equally for those who write for an audience and anyone who turns to the page to process life, the premise of "Fierce Encouragement" is that everything counts.
Don't have time? Write for just 10 minutes per prompt and be amazed at how much emerges.
Not sure where to begin? Here are 201 ways. Start today – then keep going.
Written over six tumultuous years and proven in hundreds of writing groups, these prompts reflect the author's personal practice as much as they invite readers to develop and deepen their own.
In the tradition of Natalie Goldberg's "Writing Down the Bones" and Anne Lamott's "Bird by Bird," Jena Schwartz shares generously of her own stories as she guides readers gently to the page with myriad points of entry for writing. The prompts here range from playful to profound and can be returned to time and again. Hundreds of writers across genres – from poetry to memoir, personal essay to speculative fiction – have turned to these prompts to seed, expand, stretch, deepen, and discover new edges in their work.
At the same time, these prompts have equal appeal to those who have no intention of sharing their words with the world but rather use writing as a mindfulness practice and tool for self-exploration and self-expression.
Drawing on research about the psychological and spiritual benefits of writing, Schwartz leads by example by reminding readers that showing up with self-compassion is the basis for any practice. By shifting from judgment to curiosity and from outcome to process, these 20 mini collections of 10 prompts create an ease-full framework for writers of every kind to realize that writing doesn't have to be a struggle.
In the words of author Katrina Kenison, "Give her your hand, dear writer, and enter here. And be prepared: to surprise yourself, to tell the truth you never knew you knew, to find the treasure that is your story hiding in plain sight."