Within each of us, God has deposited a dream, but it is only by faith that we will see those dreams manifest. One cannot drive a car forward and in reverse at the same time, neither can faith and fear coexist in the life of a believer. Faith Forward was written to encourage readers to take God at His Word, regardless of the obstacles we will face. Just because God has given us a promise, it does not mean that promise will come to pass without any opposition. More often than not, there will be many adversaries to the promises of God. Some of the obstacles we can expect to face may come in the form of financial difficulties, relationship problems or even health challenges. At times, it may seem as if the giants we will face cannot be defeated, but just like David, with God's help we can overcome every obstacle that stands in our way. Faith Forward was written to encourage readers to take God at His Word while ignoring ones present circumstances. Victory awaits those who will trust God in spite of what they may endure along the journey. Giving up is not an option. Your dream is too valuable and well worth the fight. Why not take a leap of faith, moving forward with the dream God has given you.