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Book details
  • SubGenre:Marketing / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:100
  • eBook ISBN:9781617924729

Facebook for Business: How To Market Your Business on Facebook and Get More Sales, New Customers and Brand Awareness

by Sam Goldfarb

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Review: ******** "If you're interested in building your business on Facebook, take a read of this book by Sam Goldfarb" - John Assaraf, from the hit movie and book "The Secret" Product Description What You Get: ***************** 100 Pages of EXCLUSIVE content + Bonus of 50 tips, taken from Real experience + Case Studies! 3 Tips You May Not Have Heard of to Make Facebook Work Harder For You: *************************************************************************************** Tip #1 - This Very Important: The person who is creating the fan page for your business is the Administrator of the page! The creator of the page can be removed from your fan page later on, only if you will remove him! Sure you can add many administrators to your fan page ,however, I am aware of a big problem that businesses & companies have right now: an employee or someone you asked for, created your fan page for you and you are no longer in a business relations with him. So, now he can remove all admi
In the last three years, I have been in charge of many ad campaigns and strategic moves on Facebook for many companies. The HUGE benefit for you is that you don't need to have a big advertising budget to spend on marketing with Facebook because we've already done it for you! After all, when you do online marketing you need try different strategies until you find the right one; "until" is the scenario of injecting advertising budget "until" things go well. I am talking about "getting" in this book: getting more online sales, leads and branding by using my experience. This is why I think that by using this book you can use our "spent budget" and learn from our experience. You can do it on your own without listening to me, but in most cases if you are not a trained online marketer you don't have the insights I've received in the last three years. I suggest that you read the information carefully, even if you think that you already KNOW what to do (and I see many of those assumptions every day). On top of that, my experience in the high tech world as a computer engineer surely brings valuable insights to this book, so If you really want to learn what do and how to do it on Facebook, please open your mind.
About the author
Sam Goldfarb, MBA - General Manager of Tradimax.com, online marketing expert. Top spot on Fast Company for "2010's Most influential person online" In the last three years, I have been in charge of many ad campaigns and strategic moves on Facebook® for many companies. On top of that, my experience in the high tech world as a computer engineer surely brings valuable insights to my books. I love to educate people and this is why I write books, books that are easy to understand.