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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Personal Growth / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:230
  • eBook ISBN:9780957415225


Living in Balance and Self Acceptance through Science, Spirituality, Mindfulness and Nutrition

by Mark Abadi

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Evolve is a comprehensive modern guidebook for the courageous seeker of truth. The 'edge-runners' who know there is something more to life & want an introduction blending science & spirituality. It takes you on a real journey through your own life, illuminating limiting beliefs & negative habit patterns you might have picked up along the way. As a holistic psychologist, Mark Abadi blends his passion to empower others with the skills & tools to move you into greater balance & happiness. It's designed to be simple enough for the layperson, always exciting & funny enough for the well seasoned practitioner. The book takes deep hard science & blends it with spirituality & consciousness, bringing you into mindful awareness in the moment. A handbook that integrates a serious message in a light hearted manner. It explores the fundamentals of Human functioning, psychologically, physiologically & energetically. evolve offers practical tools to increasing your balance & wellness, supporting suggestions with well referenced science. Evolve explores topics such as social interaction, relationships, parenting, sleep disturbances, exercise, diet, toxins, drugs, new science, physics of energy medicine, work, stress, meditation & enlightenment. Above all evolve speaks to the heart & mind about the benefits of surrendering resistance to anger, fear & pain. This book is for the edge-runners who want spirituality without fluff & science without seriousness. Take your next step over your own edge!
Evolve is a comprehensive modern guidebook for the courageous seeker of truth. The 'edge-runners' who know there is something more to life & want an introduction blending science & spirituality. It takes you on a real journey through your own life, illuminating limiting beliefs & negative habit patterns you might have picked up along the way. A handbook that integrates a serious message in a light hearted manner. It explores the fundamentals of Human functioning, psychologically, physiologically & energetically. evolve offers practical tools to increasing your balance & wellness, supporting suggestions with well referenced science. Evolve explores topics such as social interaction, relationships, parenting, sleep disturbances, exercise, diet, toxins, drugs, new science, physics of energy medicine, work, stress, meditation & enlightenment. The fundamental principles at evolve’s core have been derived from observations of nature's mechanisms & include: Holism, Acceptance, Courage, Surrender, Practice & Doing Your Best Holism (The whole is greater than the sum of its parts) Holistic basically means the entire, the whole, complete, without absence of anything. Things can only be what they are because everything else is not them. In other words, nothing is anything without everything else. Everything must change at once. Realise you’re complete only with every other part of your. This is the nature of Acceptance rather than Rejection. Acceptance (It's about inclusion never exclusion) We see the fundamentals of this World being expressed in the nature of duality. There are always at least two things. The Chinese referred to these as Yin & Yang. We can see the effect of this duality fundamental throughout our own constructions, for example: Introvert/Extrovert, Good/Bad, Pretty/Ugly, Hot/Cold, Love/Hate, destruction/construction. We all want to be around 'good' things & avoid 'bad' things. This in itself is natural, but is it nature? Nature is ultimately accepting in all its actions. It really doesn't mind what goes on. To nature all is as it's supposed to be. As such there is a power, nay a freedom within the principle of acceptance. You can still have your duality opinion of something & still accept it. Like the alcoholics have to accept their condition before they can move on, so too must you accept the situation before you can free yourself from the pain of it. You will need courage. Courage Courage comes from the old French 'Corage' meaning heart. It's from heart one must choose to embrace all parts of self, bravely admitting weaknesses & strengths. It's from this place of recognising your emotions they’re acknowledged & validated. You have to be brave & breathe into & through your emotions. The only way through is through! Surrender (Give up to Win) One must give up the fight. You have to let go to receive. This principle has been known for generations to strategists in war. Bruce Lee knew it well when he said "The art of fighting without fighting". Most people believe they must keep pushing, keep resisting, keep fighting. In doing so they trap themselves in the very thing they’re trying to fight against. What you resist persists! You are the feeder of the issue you wish you never had. Practice (Make Positive Habits) We’re creatures of Habit. We’re experts in our own habit systems. We spend a lifetime practicing habits that might not support our happiness & balance. We must work equally hard to free ourselves from our addictive habit behaviours. So as with meditation, yoga, healthy eating, conscious language - we must practice often to make the learning become habitual. There is no real way around this - you have to put in your energy to make shifts. Doing Your Best (freedom from Guilt) You always do your best with the tools you have. No guilt because you couldn’t have chosen any better than your best! Congratulations, you've won.
About the author
Mark Abadi is a Holistic Psychologist, Public Speaker, Life Coach, Therapist and Author working with health and wellbeing from a multi-disciplinary perspective. After a chance meeting with a spiritual teacher at age 15, Mark began his inner exploration through meditation and philosophical investigation. Twenty years later, he now teaches advanced meditation across the globe, offers individual personal development sessions, and writes on the subject of Science, Spirituality and Self. While completing two Degrees, BSc in Psychology and a Masters in Occupational Health Psychology in Great Britain, he observed a gap in the curriculum, the holistic nature of being was missing. Applying research techniques he dove into the study of complementary holistic therapy techniques, including reflexology, nutrition, aromatherapy and deep tissue massage. He later went on to work with energy field scanning machines, and spent 10 years researching the interactive nature of the body’s energy systems. He is an expert in the interaction of the mind, body matrix and at maximising change through a multileveled therapy practice. With a great interest in how space resonates with Human health, happiness and wellbeing. Along the way he realised his ability to disseminate intricate theory in a fun, entertaining and creative way. He was a born performer, making the complex simple and exciting. His passion for the truth and reality comes through in his live performances and now his writings. Having lectured at international conferences on energy medicine and holistic integrated health, he was invited to host several conferences and teach on the new module in Energy Medicine, part of the Masters in Wellness at RMIT University in Australia. Mark also developed a unique integrative holistic platform called Psychapressure, providing space for people to shift their non-serving habit patterns. This is an interactive journey into the person’s pain to allow them to ‘burn in the fires of change’. Its principles include: there is nothing to fix, simple self acceptance, honoring your emotions and surrendering to the truth of who you are. In November 2012 after many years of working, Mark published his first book ‘evolve’. “It was difficult”, says Mark, “to know what to leave out. I have so much to share and I’m realising more and more daily. Evolve is a handbook for well being, it embodies the principles of complete happiness, freeing people from the thoughts of who they should be, so that they can be themselves!” Some of his past work includes: Teaching on a Masters of Wellness degree in The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia. Researching at India’s MIT, Pune. Devising and delivering training courses on energy field assessment technology with the Centre for Biofield Science. Designing and implementing research into the effects of complementary medicine on mental health, notably with the Singapore government group ‘The Sathya Sai Foundation for the Mentally Challenged Men’. Delivery of research systems, workshops, training and key note lectures on the integration of health and well being to MDs physicians, therapists and organisations (ACPEM, ACEP, IMUNE, ISR & CPS). Trained doctors in implementing pioneering preventative healthcare regimes in India at Delhi’s, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH). Holding health camps, seeing hundreds of clients daily. He also began a community support group called ‘Holistic Manchester’ to offer a hub for discussion, research and exploration into natural holistic healthcare in the Northwest of UK. Mark hosted several conferences namely, Unified Theories Conference (UTC) – Budapest 2008 Quantum Health Scandinavia (QHS) – Denmark 2008 Mark continues to teach and contribute to conferences world wide on Holistic Medicine and wellness