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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Christian Theology / Apologetics
  • Language:English
  • Series title:The Way, the Truth, and the Life
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:568
  • Hardcover ISBN:9798350964226

Evidence Clearly Seen

10 Areas of Clearly Seen Objective Evidence of What Can Be Known About God

by Eugene Glenn

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"Evidence Clearly Seen" is the only book that leads the reader on a fascinating journey through 10 areas of clear evidence found in nature and history of what can be known about God. Eugene Glenn has delivered a marvelous interactive book filled with links and videos. It ties together and builds on evidence of Jewish and Christian God within biblical apologetics, Intelligent Design, several areas of science, origin of life, mathematics, probability, forensic science, sacrificial love, justice, and scripture coordination over vast periods of time.

10 AREAS OF CLEARLY SEEN OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE OF WHAT CAN BE KNOWN ABOUT GOD "Eugene Glenn has delivered a marvelous interactive book filled with links and videos. The work offers a solid defense for intelligent design through the examination of many modern paradigms within modern Naturalistic theories that are found to be misguided or perpetuated by lacking or incomplete information. The text provides a bridge between how many of us continue to erroneously believe that "science" has become hopelessly divided from biblical truths. Glenn shows that this is not the case by bringing precise clarity and scrutiny to many important topics related to Naturalism. … The book demonstrates the clarity of design throughout science by addressing many topics, from The Watchmaker's Argument to quantum physics. The argument for design is found to be undeniable. Lastly, as a Christian, I found the book's conclusion inspiring as Glenn was a former Pastor and the final chapters bring the premise and significance of design and its implications full circle: back to The Bible. Glenn brings us back to how design can lead us to discover God's plan of Salvation. Ultimately, this is what all these debates are about because we are living through spiritual warfare. Naturalism seeks to undermine God using a false cloak called "science," it seeks to employ misinformation to steal God's act of Creation. Whether you desire sound scientific reasons to build up your faith, or perhaps you have never even considered the connection between science and God, either way, this is the book for you. I highly recommend it!" Michael L. "Evidence Clearly Seen" is the only book that leads the reader on a fascinating journey through 10 areas of clear evidence found in nature and history of what can be known about God. Eugene Glenn has delivered a marvelous interactive book filled with links and videos. It ties together and builds on evidence of Jewish and Christian God within biblical apologetics, uses the Scientific Method to make predictions for Intelligent Design, teaches and encourages study in several areas of science, origin of life, mathematics, probability, forensic science, sacrificial love, justice, and points out scripture coordination over vast periods of time.
About the author
Eugene Glenn received his Bachelor of Science degree From DeVry University in Electronics Engineering Technology and has performed electronics design within several industries for over 40 years. He is also a former church pastor.

Book Reviews

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Eugene Glenn's Evidence Clearly Seen Eugene Glenn's Evidence Clearly Seen provides logical scientific reasons for why abiogenesis won't work, under the assumption that blind natural forces acting on random material in the environment over billions of years, to ever form DNA or RNA let alone a whole viable living cell. Read more