Born in London, it was a sceptical English teacher when marking a thirteen-year-old’s composition piece who remarked, ‘You didn’t write this. Where did you copy it from?' That should have alerted the young Sunny Rose – and true author of the piece – to the possibility that she had a colourful imagination and possible bourgeoning writing talent. It didn’t. Other priorities took precedence. She was caring for her invalid mother, and those responsibilities consumed her teenage years. Only when her mother passed away was she free to explore the world. Then it was work, marriage, divorce, country hopping and finally, emigration to Australia, where she still lives. Only now, in retirement has she embraced the craft of writing and love of story-telling. ‘Eve’s Tapestry’ is a collection of her favourite warm, witty and endearing stories. It is her hope this is the first in a series of ‘Eve’s Tapestry’ collections, for there are many more captivating tales in the pipeline.