About the author
Bob Myers is a father, grandfather and great grandfather who first became involved with disadvantaged teenagers in his capacity as an honorary probation officer and the director of a residential facility for young people who were either homeless or unable to live at home. Some of the young people were severely emotionally damaged and not only presented very challenging behaviour but also questioned most of the accepted beliefs and values of society. Bob adopted the radical approach that solutions had to be found for responding to both the behaviour and the questions of these young people, without the option of expulsion. During that time, Bob wrote his first book, Parenting Teenagers in the 1990s, to assist the parents of residents, and others, to understand the situation they found themselves in and how they could respond to it. The Australian Council of Educational Research published that book in 1992 and also his second book, Raising Responsible Teenagers, in 1996. After leaving the residential facility, Bob set up a private counselling service called Harmony in Dispute and also became a founding member of Pace e Bene Australia (PeBA), a service specifically set up to promote cultures of dynamic peace in families, workplaces and communities. His third book, Travelling the Road of Peace and Happiness was published by Xlibris in 2011. Apart from writing, Bob facilitates PeBA nonviolence programs