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Book details
  • SubGenre:Political Process / Campaigns & Elections
  • Language:English
  • Pages:400
  • eBook ISBN:9780963222138

Ending The Hidden Unfairness In U.S. Elections

by Richard Fobes

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Are you frustrated by the excessive influence of money in politics? Learn the secret techniques that the biggest campaign contributors use to manipulate the primary elections of both political parties. These corrupt techniques will stop being effective when we stop using single-mark ballots and start using 1-2-3 ballots. Arm yourself with an understanding that will empower you to help put the United States on a path to higher levels of democracy. It's what our founding fathers would have done if they had computer technology when they wrote the U.S. Constitution. The resulting election reforms will allow us, the majority of voters, to elect problem-solving leaders instead of special-interest puppets. When votes, rather than money, determine election results, we will get long-overdue taxation reforms and other reforms that will dramatically strengthen the economic prosperity of the United States. According to Adrian Tawfik, the co-editor at Democracy Chronicles (.com), this book "presents an insightful vision of election reform for America and the wider world!"


Are you frustrated by the excessive influence of money in politics? Learn the secret techniques that the biggest campaign contributors use to manipulate the primary elections of both political parties. These corrupt techniques will stop being effective when we stop using single-mark ballots and start using 1-2-3 ballots.

Arm yourself with an understanding that will empower you to help put the United States on a path to higher levels of democracy. It's what our founding fathers would have done if they had computer technology when they wrote the U.S. Constitution. The resulting election reforms will allow us, the majority of voters, to elect problem-solving leaders instead of special-interest puppets. When votes, rather than money, determine election results, we will get long-overdue taxation reforms and other reforms that will dramatically strengthen the economic prosperity of the United States.

According to Adrian Tawfik, the co-editor at Democracy Chronicles (.com), this book "presents an insightful vision of election reform for America and the wider world!"

About the author

Richard Fobes is the author of "The Creative Problem Solver's Toolbox: A Complete Course in the Art of Creating Solutions to Problems of Any Kind," which is available in nine languages. He is the inventor of VoteFair ranking, and the developer of open-source VoteFair ranking software. The author earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics, and he has worked as a writer, consultant, user-experience designer, software developer, inventor, electronics technician, hardware store clerk (in his father's hardware store), and dance instructor. (The author does not regard either the Republican or Democratic party to be representative of his political views. He registers with one party or the other just so he can vote for candidates in primary elections.)