My career has been eclectic, including Vista Volunteer, prison counselor, mental health worker, paralegal, owner of one bakery business and one puppet business and much more. My lifelong passion has been the study of consciousness and to that end I found meditating, hypnotic trances and dream work to be very helpful.
Although I wrote all my life, I never shared it with anyone other than friends and family. Since I retired and moved I became aware of all the poems, short stories, plays, dream logs and beginnings of books that I kept over the years. When I start writing a book, two thirds of the way through another book springs into my mind and I have a hard time finishing the one I’m on. I’m having so much fun.
My first book “Hello, This is the Universe” started as a journal of the most memorable paranormal events in my life, which I kept to look for patterns. That didn’t shed much light, so I went back and filled in the events which were happening in my life before each bit of weirdness. I added to this journal and updated it for thirty four years and finally, I realized it was finished. That book is the only non-fiction book I’ve written.
Sending the book off to Book Baby set something off inside of me and months later I finished another book called “Bunny Healing Magic” which started out as a dream log entry. Another dream led to “Psychic Energy War” and I had so much fun with that one I may make it a series. I am working on another book which will be called “Reincarnation Station.” I am the female protagonist in all my books and I put parts of my life in every book (because I’m not good enough to make this stuff up) along with my dreams, my food and my friends. The names are changed to protect the innocent and the guilty too.
I don’t know if it is correct to call them ‘books’ because they are all pretty short. My attention span has gotten so much shorter and my writing is rather pithy. So I think of them as novellas and I’m thinking of starting a website called Easy Reads.
I am still a hippy.