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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Motivational & Inspirational
  • Language:English
  • Pages:41
  • eBook ISBN:9780615887005

Eastwood Presents: Kids Food Kids Soul Food Recipes for Healthy Living

Kids Food

by Eastwood

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This book has been created for kids to learn important values for life. Kids food offers children encouragement, guidance, self esteem, & instructions on how to live a good life. Kids can read the soul food & see the picture representation, while thinking about the lessons they are learning. Parents can also benefit from this book, as it becomes a way for them to teach & train their children on how to succeed in life, feeding them true moral values. Kids food - the best meal they'll ever eat
This book has been created for kids to learn important values for life. Kids food offers children encouragement, guidance, self esteem, & instructions on how to live a good life. Kids can read the soul food & see the picture representation, while thinking about the lessons they are learning. Parents can also benefit from this book, as it becomes a way for them to teach & train their children on how to succeed in life, feeding them true moral values. Kids food - the best meal they'll ever eat
About the author
EASTWOOD Born and raised in Los Angeles, California is a Minister, Gospel Artist, Actor, Designer and now AUTHOR. At the age of 7 years old, he wrote his first rap song about a young girl playmate. By the age of 10, he felt God calling him to the ministry at his church, but was reluctant to give in. Eastwood explains, "I knew what I was doing Monday through Sunday, and I Knew I could not get up on Sunday and preach to anybody until I was truly able to represent God." Eastwood knew one day he would come to be a minister, but soon found himself in the middle of the secular rap game. By 19, he had received offers from some of the top rap labels in the industry. His skills were always evident by his following and from other rappers in the industry. Eastwood quickly saw what his life would be like if he continued down this path but tenaciously preserved to complete his album despite people's wishes. It was not long before he let God cut in and take control of his gift. Now a licensed minister and anointed by God's word, he has answered the calling and has brought the younger generation of gospel to an entire new level. His new found mission in life is, "to change lives and save souls with every aspect of my music, from the beats to the ad-libs," says Eastwood. As he continues to blow the listeners away with his metaphors, and mind-boggling lyrics, you will feel the anointing on every track! His story lines will make you press your ear to the speaker just to hear every word! Eastwood states, "I'd rather sell no albums and save 1 soul with my message, than sale 1 million albums and we all go to hell listening to it." Also when he is not in the studio creating classics, you will be able to catch him on television displaying his talented ability to act. His acting credits dates back over the last 20 years, and he looks to be a dominant figure in the next 20 years to come. And now, He has taken his abilities one step further and has become an Author, writing his second book entitled EASTWOOD PRESENTS: KIDS FOOD KIDS SOUL FOOD RECIPES FOR HEALTHY LIVING. This book is a SELF HELP/ENRICHMENT book for CHILDREN that offers daily affirmations to help guide and shape our youths lives on a successful and prosperous path. It’s a MUST Read! This indeed is a talented and blessed individual that the world must and will recognize as a "MAN TRULY SENT BY GOD." The question is, are you ready for the next level and generation of The Gospel?