About the author
Although she has just completed her third book, this author/illustrator insists that she has just begun. Janice is a Grand Valley State Univsity Grad who’s earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications. She is a professional in the field of photography. Passionate about the arts, Janice is a formally trained musician and plays several musical instruments, including piano, clarinet, saxophone and drums. In addition to a number of CDs that Janice has produced recorded and performed, Janice created and is the CEO of her own publishing company named ShadeTree Publishing from, which Big Lil’ Books has become a booming business for children’s books and educational programs, toys games and other merchandise.
Janice has spent most of her life recording images by the way of art illustration, photography, music and writing. Being born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan has given Janice an interesting perspective on growing up Black in America. Through her music, one can hear how one person's life experience can speak to and relate to so many others who share similar challenges. “Music is probably the purest form of expression because music can be felt without ever uttering a single word—as in Classical music. That’s powerful stuff”, Janice says.
There is no denying that one voice can either unite or divide, the choice is up to every individual. You have to speak up. Freedom of speech is what being American is all about. Thanks to every American hero who has given, or is giving his or her life, so that we can live ours! God Bless America!