What's a hungry dragon to do when he can't stand the taste of maiden, and there's nothing else to eat? What's a maiden to do when her town is faced with the threat of dragons, politicians, and ecological disaster?
Buster's troubles begin when he can't find anything for dinner.
Henrietta's troubles begin when she, along with the rest of the local maidens, is forbidden to set foot beyond the safety of the town wall.
One starving, the other rebellious, it's only a matter of time before dragon meets girl. From that point on, it's a simple matter of Buster going into show business, the town becoming a tourist mecca, class warfare breaking out, an ecological disaster changing everything, and Henrietta and Buster going on vacation. Sort of.
Will they manage to save the world, only to lose their friendship? Is there a force in nature stronger and more destructive than greed? And what's love got to do with it?