About the author
Dr. Gilda Carle (Ph.D.) is an internationally known media personality. A psychotherapist, relationship educator, management consultant, and author, she provides Instant Advice and Coaching throughout the world on Skype, phone, and email. She is the “30-Second Therapist” for the Today Show website and the “Ask Dr. Gilda” advice columnist.
Also known as the “Country Music Doctor,” Dr. Gilda is President of Country Cures, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides educational and training programs in self-esteem, interpersonal relationships, conflict management, and diversity sensitivity to underserved populations. She is a product spokesperson, motivational speaker, and Professor Emerita.
Dr. Gilda Carle has authored 15 books, including “Don't Bet on the Prince!” (a test question on “Jeopardy!”), “Teen Talk with Dr. Gilda,” “He's Not All That!,” and the e-Books, “How to WIN When Your Mate Cheats” (winner of The London Book Festival literary award) and “99 Prescriptions for Fidelity.” Dr. Gilda was the “Love Doc” for MTV Online and the TV host of “The Dr. Gilda Show” pilot for Twentieth Century Fox. In addition, she was the therapist in HBO's Emmy Award winner, “Telling Nicholas,” featured on Oprah, where she guided a family to tell their 7-year-old that his mom died in the World Trade Center bombing.