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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Personal Growth / Success
  • Language:English
  • Pages:204
  • eBook ISBN:9781617922398

Defy Mediocrity

Choose to be Uncommon. Think of the Alternative.

by Derrick W. Welch

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Learn how to achieve excellence both on the job and in your life. "The invaluable advice in your book has changed my life during the last few months and gave me a vision to know how to plan and manage my life and my future. Thank you Derrick you are a mentor in my life. " Bryce Jeon Seoul, Korea
What others have said about Defy Mediocrity "I think you have created another Masterpiece" Pat Garufi "Defy Mediocrity is a must read for every professional and for every young person coming out of college into the professional world. It clearly defines what sets the winners apart. I recommend all managers give this book to all incoming staff. " A review posted on Amazon.com "I was given a copy of (Defy Mediocrity) by my division retail manager and asked to read it. It lit me on fire. I have read through it four times and referred to it many more times. I think about something in the book every day because not only do the things you write about pertain to the business world but also to the family and the values we can try to instill in our children. If anyone reads this book and can't see that Mediocrity is surrounding us and trying to get its hold on us they obviously can't be too concerned about improving themselves. Thank you for the opportunity to be enlightened by your book." Cameron Ryan, Manager -- Econo Foods "I think everyone in business should be required to read Defy Mediocrity. Mr. Welch, we at Southern Office Supply, Inc. believe your book points a finger at each employee here including myself. Anybody and everybody can get some excellent insights about themselves and their fellow employees by reading your book. We are going to add Defy Mediocrity to our required reading list. Again, we think your book is an excellent tool to rebuild, rejuvenate, reiterate, what modern day business is all about. Thank you for your insight into the business world and how important continued and improved productivity can be even to a small business." Anthony McKee, President, Southern Office Supply, Inc. “This book changed my life. This book really serves as a wakeup call to anyone that works for a living. It focuses you on the fact that you and only you are responsible for your own success. You can’t help but read the book and constantly say “Wow, I can’t believe I used to think that way”. This is truly one of the reference books of my life. I refer to it whenever I’m feeling dissatisfied or unfulfilled at work. I highly recommend it. " A review posted on Amazon.com "The invaluable advice in your book has changed my life during the last few months and gave me a vision to know how to plan and manage my life and my future. Thank you Derrick you are a mentor in my life. " Bryce Jeon Seoul, Korea "Your book was written for me. I have read many books in law school and business school. However I have never read a book like yours. I think this book should be mandatory in all business schools. It is a book for everyone that desires to improve their career as well as their life in general. I needed to read a book like yours and learn to apply it in my life. Thank you for that lesson." George Hong, President HJC America
About the author
Also the Author of "In Pursuit of Profits: How to at least double your profits without increasing your sales.' Derrick Welch has over 30 years of senior management experience in both large and small companies. Companies both large and small and employees from every industry have bought Derrick Welch's books to help improve the bottom line of their companies and their careers and lives.