"A page-turning and riveting morality play that may be a wake up call to some local news directors around the country."
David Cohen, Executive Vice President, Comcast Corporation
"Respected Author and legendary newsman Larry Kane has woven a complex and compelling tale of intrigue, betrayal and greed in his high voltage, high velocity, debut novel, Death By Deadline. Kane skillfully guides his readers through newsrooms, boardrooms and bedrooms, where they can share the dirty secrets of sex, politics and power that only a true insider , who has seen it all can expose. Against the canvas of a community gripped by the fear, Kane constructs a dazzling mosaic of media, money and murder. Death by Deadline is the story of what happens when journalists, police and government officials are compromised by they own passions and perversions, leaving the people they are supposed to protect in jeopardy. This is the most fascinating story you won't be able to see on the Six O'Clock News."
Paul Gluck, two time major market News Director, Member of National Board of NATAS (emmys), Former VP-Station Manager of Public Television Station in Philadelphia, and currently associate Professor Temple University, and General Manager of Temple TV.
"Kept me on the edge of my seat from start to touched every emotion from deep despair and concern to absolute hilarity. I LOVED IT!! "
Merrill Reese, Voice of the Philadelphia Eagles
"I hope this novel makes everyone who watches the news, goes on-line,
or picks up a newspaper – ask themselves one question - “Who should I trust”?
Michelle Murray, Four-time TV News Director. Vice President, News, Comcast Sportsnet, Philadelphia
"Can an esteemed journalist write a nail biting, page turner novel? Simply put, yes. Kane has mastered the art of blending roller coaster suspense with acute detail and Death by Deadline is an enthralling mix. And what a dazzling accomplishment that is. Run, don't walk to your nearest e-reader to read this book. "
Robert Traynham., Washington Bureau Chief, Comcast Network. Frequent contributor to MSNBC, CNN, and Fox.