Death, loss, worry, fear. These are guaranteed aspects that accompany the human experience. Children, especially, are full of questions about these difficult and universal topics. There are perhaps no final answers. And yet, the children ask the questions. And so do we.
Death and Dragons is truly 'a Conversation for Children of All Ages.' It is presented simply enough for a child and profoundly enough to speak to the child in all of us. The book addresses many of the questions a young mind may raise in regard to life and death. An illustrated dialogue between an unnamed child-like main character and an 'offscreen' adult figure uses the death of the main character's grandmother as a springboard in a manner that is thoughtful, touching, and open-ended.
Death and Dragons seeks not to deliver answers but rather to help foster these conversations about the things we fear which all too often remain silent. Death and Dragons provides a listening ear and a loving arm of support amidst the struggle of the unknown and the navigation of grief for our inner and outer children. We are not alone here. We are loved. We face the dragons together.