The past ten years have brought major changes in our concepts of the structuring properties of liquid water. First: water molecules in the liquid state no longer are considered bonded to four others - high-speed neutron irradiation as well as molecular orbital calculations have provided evidence that the largest ordered unit in liquid water is the trimer with three molecules hydrogen-bonded together. Most molecules in liquid water are held together by their polarity not by bonding. Trimers last about 10-12 seconds and then return to their higher entropy rotating forms while neighbors loose energy and produce new trimers.
Second: motions of water molecules adjacent to ions and surfaces are governed by Quantum Mechanics, not Newtonian Physics – molecules jump from one preferred probability position to another – they do not move smoothly. Once again, they occupy positions for only about 10-12 to 10-10 seconds – order is extremely transient.
Third: water adjacent to the surfaces of natural molecules like proteins, nucleic acids and polysaccharides exhibits the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance doublet peaks of ice, not the singlets of liquid water. Since doublets are produced by water molecules bonded together in linear elements rather than in random distributions, much of the water on surfaces at any instant exists as Transient Linear Elements.
Fourth: ultra high-speed irradiation of liquid water with neutrons has provided evidence that the protons of water molecules exhibit the same Dual Quantum Mechanical Particle and Wave Properties as electrons in metals – they couple together to produced Waves of Entanglement. Just as entanglement between electrons in metals provides communication at extended distances, proton coupling ties water molecules together at extended distances. Thus, living cells must be considered as gigantic molecules with transient linear waves, which last about 10-15 seconds, tying all of the parts together.
Thus, both Transient Linearization of water on surfaces as well as Quantized Patterning in the free water around vital molecules occur so rapidly, relative to the movement of the molecules, that the molecules continually experience order around them. The purpose of the book is to demonstrate, using accurate graphic presentations of the major classes of molecules which compose living cells, how this continual formation of transient order directed the formation of molecules into spatial forms which could regulate motions and interactions between each other by regulating the degree and orientation of hydration order on their surfaces.
The purpose of the book is to present an accurate graphic presentation of how the major classes of molecules in living cells might well have formed in a spontaneous fashion and how they function in such a coordinated manner today. Indeed, it was energy of the sun and the increase in entropy of surface water which functioned symbiotically to bring forth the molecules of life. If life should cease and the conditions which brought it forth are repeated, it will appear once more. This book will give, even those with limited experience in chemistry and physics, a graphic view of the spatial structures and functions of the molecules of life. To quote, Dr. Michael New, a lead scientist in the Planetary Science Division of NASA who reviewed the book before publication: “Your concepts of Transient Linear Hydration and Quantized Hydration Patterning are valuable contributions to understanding the unique role of water in the origin of life.”