If you're like many people, you don't have a lot of extra time to spend on...anything, really. And if you've seen some of the reality show approaches to saving on your grocery bill, you probably wonder if the money saved is worth digging through dumpsters and spending the time-equivalent of a part-time job each week clipping and filing coupons.
But you'd still like to save money, as long as it doesn't take too much time to learn, or to prepare for shopping each week. What if you could get serious savings - 50 - 70% or more - with only a minimal time commitment? If that sounds good to you, then Angela Newsom's eBook, Coupon Quick Start Guide, is just what you need. The subtitle says it all: The Easiest, Fastest Way to Serious Savings and Free Groceries.
You'll be surprised at how easy it really is to slash your grocery budget by 50 - 70% or more (on some shopping trips you can expect to save at least 80 - 90%).
For coupon newcomers, this book won't weigh you down with a lot of expert-level information that you can't use when you're just starting out. Instead, Angela Newsom, founder of the Coupon Makeover website, will introduce you to couponing so simply and clearly that, even if you have no knowledge of the subject at all, you'll be up and running before you know it.
In fact, the book is designed to be a handbook to take you from start to finish on your first coupon shopping trip. You'll go step by step, from collecting coupons to getting organized, to understanding store policies, to list-making, stockpiling, and, of course, your actual shopping trip. Angela will make all this easy to understand, saving you lots of time (and money, of course!).
But even after you've completed your first shopping trip, you'll find that Coupon Quick Start Guide still has more to offer. The book includes Bonus Features, for additional reading, and an Appendix for those interested in the "Extreme" approach to coupons. So while the main part of the book is designed for coupon newcomers who want to start seeing serious savings without a lot of advance prep time, even experienced couponers may learn a new trick or two to help enhance their coupon adventures.
To learn more, go to