Con Test is a mystery-suspense novel but the mystery and suspense come more from the unravelling of the secrets of Justice’s past, and William’s past, than from the unravelling of many crimes. In the course of this unravelling Justice will make some startling discoveries but by the time he does this he has other problems to worry about. His criminal past is also about to catch up to him. Now the challenge is not just to escape the chains of the past but also to stay out of prison.
Apart from being a kind of sexual mystery it is also a novel about identity, or rather different layers of identity. Justice has other reasons for his constant re-invention of himself besides its usefulness to him as a criminal. He needs masks to hide behind and perhaps in some ways this is more important to him even than thieving and killing. The lies we tell ourselves, the lies we tell others, the lies that we live, these are all issues addressed in this novel. The truth exists, but do we really want the truth?