Brian the care-giver was a weasel.
He conned Jo’s once vivacious Mother out of everything she owned – then fled, leaving her an empty shell of a person.
On the other side of the world, at the same time Jo discovers that her once perfect London life with her adoring husband was about to come to an abrupt end too.
So here Jo was back in New Zealand, broke, living in a block of concrete flats with dubious neighbors on the wrong side of town.
Could things get any worse…well yes, her Mother moves in!
The Mother and Daughter start as near strangers, awkward with each other both pretending to be coping better than they actually were.
Then after more bad luck is dished-up, Jo makes a bold decision concerning her future, and her Mother stops telling white lies about what she’s really up to during the day and starts creating a real life again.