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Book details
  • SubGenre:Social Themes / Friendship
  • Age Range (years):7 - 12
  • Language:English
  • Pages:28
  • Paperback ISBN:9798350966985

Common Ground

by Mike Austin

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Common Ground follows a group of boys in the town of Progress who, despite their differences, are great friends. After a case of bullying on the day of the town's parade, the boys turn the situation into a learning experience, highlighting empathy, teamwork, and the value of embracing each other's uniqueness.

The goal of this story is to help children out there understand that it is ok to be different, and to be honest, it is a good thing. We are all different in how we think and approach situations, and certainly our back grounds and upbringing significantly influence who each and every one of us is and strives to be. This is a simple story that depicts a day in the life of anywhere, when a child or an adult for that matter, may decide to pass along the negativity they have received from others. This may make them feel better for a short amount of time, and certainly for the wrong reasons, but if we can stop the cycle or chain of negativity, we all grow as individuals and friends. If we show empathy, and put ourselves in others' shoes, we may not be so quick to judge. Especially just for an opinion or an idea, which seems to be very common in today's world. This story is about teamwork and picking each other up when we are down, and supporting one another. We all make mistakes, but if we learn from them, and value these lessons learned, we can pass the positive approach and perspective on to others.

About the author

Mike is a first time author. A special thanks to Tim Collins. Without his extraordinary illustrations, this book would not be possible.  

It has been an amazing experience to have close friends and family be the much needed support, editors. and inspiration for this story. Thank you all! This could not have been done without each of you. ❤️💪

Mike was first inspired by children's books when he was a second grade teacher after graduating college, while also coaching high school level lacrosse. The ability to influence and help children grow through coaching or teaching has always been rewarding and fun. Mike has been married to his wonderful wife Liisa for 25 years. Liisa has been an elementary teacher for almost 25 years. They spend as much time as possible with their three children Lilly, Logan, and Emma.
During college Mike was a member of two national championship lacrosse teams, and played four years of college lacrosse. Being a member of such great teams all four years was very influential in seeing how a group of so many unique and different personalities and strengths, could work so well together when focused on a common goal.  Amazing group of teammates and more importantly, great people I learned so much from. These lessons learned have been very important and essential to success in the business world as well.
Same concepts apply…

Some of Mike’s favorite activities have been coaching  or watching youth soccer, lacrosse or playing golf with his son. Mike currently has the privilege of working with some of the best eye surgeons in the world, as a Surgical Device Specialist, in order to help improve the gift of eyesight for patients.
Mike hopes to help as many children as possible, but if one child benefits this story is a success. 

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