"Come Watch the Nighttime Breathe " is the first novel in a series written by Jeff Gray that follows a young man named Tristan Wallace as he comes of age and begins his journey to learn the meaning of life and more specifically – the meaning of his life.
Tristan was born and raised in a small, Midwest town in the 1970's by a middle-class family, enriched in Catholic values. His safeguarded upbringing never allowed him to adapt properly. As a result, as Tristan comes of age, his desire to gain understanding on the meaning of life and his meaning in life is raised by more than just curiosity and desire, it is heightened with an inner torment. Follow along as his journey begins in this captivating novel.
As Tristan grows, ages, and seeks to forge his own path, he is influenced by Catholicism, inspired by Buddhism, yet tormented by a restlessness from deep within him. By chance, Tristan becomes acquainted with four rebellious and reckless men. Unbeknownst to them, they will serve as his life's guides. The night comes alive, these men introduce Tristan to a new world, his curiosity is captured, and the journey begins to drift from the path of Buddha, and he ventures down the paths seldom traveled – paths that are well hidden within the shadows of the night, filled with alcohol, forbidden desires, exploration, and sex.