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Book details
  • Genre:HISTORY
  • SubGenre:Americas
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Chronicle of the 21st Century
  • Series Number:1
  • Pages:796
  • eBook ISBN:9781943612970
  • Hardcover ISBN:9781682227251

Chronicle of the 21st Century


by Gloria Daulton

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This volume chronicles the words from God Almighty spoken to his servant, Gloria, for the past decade and prior. They were sent to the government in Washington, D.C. and to Spiritual Leaders of these United States at the times they were spoken. Many have not yet come to pass, but most assuredly know this, that these grave warnings, shall most definitely be executed, even as the whirlwinds, anthrax, ricin, 9/11 plane bombs exploding into our civilization and many other such predictions were Foretold, Chronicled and sent to Washington prior to their execution! Included also some major current events and breaking news, as well as, expose’ of government over-reach and demagoguery. Wonderfully included is the miraculous expounding and releasing of Healings, Deliverances, Majestic Glories and Goodness of our Lord Himself. Truly an Almanac of The Almighty and His glorious graciousness to the people as He speaks His Heart. Revealing tyranny against Freedom; Spiritual Warfare, Praises, Adoration, Unveiling of Worship and Award- winning Poetry. Forgiveness, Restoration, Enlightenment and Understanding in the Releasing of Heartaches and Hells.
This volume chronicles the words from God Almighty spoken to his servant, Gloria, for the past decade and prior. They were sent to the government in Washington, D.C. and to Spiritual Leaders of these United States at the times they were spoken. Many have not yet come to pass, but most assuredly know this, that these grave warnings, shall most definitely be executed, even as the whirlwinds, anthrax, ricin, 9/11 plane bombs exploding into our civilization and many other such predictions were Foretold, Chronicled and sent to Washington prior to their execution! Included also some major current events and breaking news, as well as, expose’ of government over-reach and demagoguery. This servant of the Lord spoke over the air-waves, by way of radio on August 22, 2014, that earthquakes would begin on the West Coast. God said, I will speak loudly, clearly and precisely, Come down Abortion! The might of my power shall avenge the filth that has perverted these shores. And the earthquakes began within thirty-six hours. These only a foreboding of that to come! The words of this Chronicle, being warnings of judgments to the Nation and to the Government and why, does include some of the myriad exhortations, corrections, rebukes and deliverances to the church and to society at large, as well as, healing and hope to the lost and dying, the bereaved and displaced. The Chronicles of God have not been fully updated for the prophecies that have already come to pass. Rest assured, God speaks Truth. This Chronicle, at the beginning of the compilation, I had thought was to be only the warnings of the impending judgments. God has since spoken to include words he spoke for encouragement, inspiration and restoration and healing. Perhaps, his words of exhortation, instruction and comfort will be beneficial to others. Also, at the onset, I had desired only to address the governmental issues, thinking the chronology to that point only would be more readily perused by Leaders. But God. God’s Wisdom: Government and God are inseparable, thus the inclusion of church, as well as, state. Some people are making changes and progress since this writing of corrections and rebukes. It is for the body of humanity this record urges others to do so, as well. At the start of this manuscript I only desired to send urgings of warning to the United States Government of the impending destructions, but God instructed to include such personal pleadings, discernments and insights. The hearts of men [mankind] are an open book to God Almighty. He loves us all enough to beseech us to humility and to submission to the Words of his Power. Wonderfully included is the miraculous expounding and releasing of Healings, Deliverances, Majestic Glories and Goodness of our Lord Himself.Truly an Almanac of The Almighty and His glorious graciousness to the people as He speaks His Heart. Revealing tyranny against Freedom; Spiritual Warfare, Praises, Adoration, Unveiling of Worship and Award- winning Poetry. Forgiveness, Restoration, Enlightenment and Understanding in the Releasing of Heartaches and Hells. It’s good stuff. Delight yourself. It has the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. Revelation Knowledge and Wisdom. And, of course, The Scriptures! Quotes of the Famous from all spectrums of genre. Much of the last chapter is Entreaty in Righteousness and counsel for submission, purposing for all peoples and the beseeching of the broken. Discernment, Exhortations, and Declarations. Included are Photos of The Kremlin, Red Square, The Great Wall of China and The Capitol in D.C. How long shall these be viable with World War III on the horizon? Our God is concerned about every facet of Life, Love, Relationships, Finances, Government, Peace and War, the Nations. And He does know the End from the Beginning! Hear the word of the Lord. A read for all, young and old alike. And, of course, I have been thoroughly investigated by the United States Government, receiving warnings and interrogation by the F.B.I., Special Agents, and the Attorney General’s office, inquiring how I know these things before they happen. Even being accused of complicity or involvement. My reply: Oh, Of course, I had something to do with the Space Shuttle being destroyed and the anthrax. The Assistant Attorney General called telling me to expect a knock at the door for he was sending a recommendation to the Attorney General that I be arrested and prosecuted. It didn’t happen. Six weeks before Hurricane Katrina I faxed the President and the Law-makers of the whirlwinds that were coming and where. I’ve never heard another word from any of them concerning my guilt. I suppose they know that I had nothing to do with sending whirlwinds. Amen
About the author
active in ministry for more than forty-five years in evangelism and missions, miracles and prophecy. Currently she gives herself to intercessory prayer and fasting for America: e-mailing and faxing government and spiritual leaders in this of time of Trouble, as well as, training Spiritual Warriors in Healing, Deliverance and Miracles. Director of Miracle of Miracles Ministries. Other published books include Spirit of Prophecy and Prophecy. Her weekly broadcast airs Worldwide on gospel1320.com Fridays at 5:30pm EST. Prophet Gloria is on Youtube.