Chenoa's Long Journey is a modern-day adventure beginning when Jade Eagle, a Native American, meets Ashley Tyler, a girl from New Orleans. Upon learning her soul is as troubled as his, he feels compelled to help her and thinks the answers she seeks await her high in the Big Horn Mountains where his great-grandmother, Nakoli, lives with a small band of Indians. There, Nakoli can help Ashley see her vision and free her of the nightmares that have haunted her since childhood.
Jade is torn between his heritage and the business world he lives in as Jim Engle while Ashley grapples with the spirit of Chenoa--a captive bride of a Cheyenne chief from the late 1800s. Since her rescue, Chenoa has struggled to return to her tribe and chosen Ashley as the path.
Shortly after meeting, Ashley and Jade depart on a long trek on horseback across plains and through purple-peaked mountains. They encounter one hardship after another beginning with crossing the Big Horn River near flood stage. Their journey becomes treacherous when they lose their horses and packhorse in an encounter with a mountain lion that leaves Ashley injured. Forced to continue on foot, they step back in time as they forage for food and fashion make-shift clothing in preparation of harsh winter conditions they know will catch up with them as they push forward.
After reaching their destination, Nakoli sends Jade away telling him Forget-Me-Not, the Indian name Jade gave her, will never see her vision as long as he is near. Sensing the turmoil between the two of them, she knows Ashley won't be able to free her mind of him as long as he is near. Jade returns to his home in Denver to wait until snow leaves the peaks of the mountains behind his home to return to her.
Become a part of their journey. Share the beauty they find along the way, suffer the hardships they encounter, and fight by their sides when Old Man Winter unleashes his fury on them. Experience the emotions developing between on their passage and share the vision they see at the end of their long journey.