"Chasing New Yolk," follows the journey of young Ashley Orpington. When Ashley was just a small chick living in a cardboard box with her twin sister and the rest of their flock, she heard the most beautiful song ever, performed by a mysterious and kind Brown Giant.
Today, Ashley remembers that wonderful voice and dreams of moving to New Yolk City to become a singer. Her dream comes one step closer to reality when a sophisticated music producer named Lawrence, a gray silkie who wears a matching red beret and scarf, arrives in town. He is intent on finding "the next big star" and holds an audition at Chickaville Park, promising the eventual winner a golden ticket to New Yolk to become a singer.
"Chasing New Yolk," is the first book in 'The Chickaville Series,' a four-part children's picture book collection that chronicles the fun and enigmatic lives of Chickaville's chicken residents.