Let us travel together a full one thousand years back… to 1012: to the days of the spear, the ax… and The Speaking Cross! Leiv “Lucky” Eiriksson, a Norwegian Viking now settled on Greenland, decides to come back to the land west where he first built a dwelling eleven years earlier; but this time he takes a big chance: bringing his twelve-year old son, Lil’ Leiv with him. We have been digging deep into historical pasts to find you these treasures and many scholars have deliberated intensely over this through the ages: did you know that Christopher Columbus once traveled to Iceland; to study those maps the Vikings had drawn… after their fruitful visits to what King Olav Tryggvason most properly named... Amerika. You’ll learn how Manhattan and Niagara Falls, in the today’s great state of New York, first got their names. You will rejoice even more over getting this first hand knowledge: who was the one that initially introduced the now famous Viking helmet with those two horns…. It will also amaze you to no end learning what the Vikings called the natives of the New Found Land. We might thrill ourselves with such tidbits, however, this adventure is all about Lil’ becoming a man, getting introduced to the Laws of the Universe, flirting with destiny, finding the sweetness of true love… to suddenly lose her in an explosion of challenges complicated by a shocking discovery of the horrendous practices by the sun worshipers from the Lost Tribe; his search for a reunion of two hearts… lives being shattered with mind shivering Ezekiel like attacks by the earth trembling Whirlwind Cloud… Sodom & Gomorrah, please step aside!
For you dedicated history buffs, we did modernize a bit the language spoken in this book—to make it available for all ages. You know how hard it is sometimes to get a real grip on the King James; and, please keep in mind this story happened half a millennium prior to his Bible making. Many words have been bravely carried by the wind through the ages, but others have been lost into the mist of a forgotten past. Those forever gone words must now be replaced with the fresh and the new and the exciting: because we want this story to survive in a modern world. English, in those past exploring days of 1012 and up—where the Chance West saga begins, was indeed heavily influenced by our Norse heroes, the Vikings. According to Lil’ Leiv’s very own rune (diary) book—kept through the ages by the Cherokee Indian Nation until it was lost during the Trail of Tears—and also, as later studies show, the Old Norse language did have an enormous impact on certain groups of natives on the east coast, such as the Algonquian and many other tribes; thus the new world managed to preserve some of the wonderful words uttered by players involved with this very beginning of Amerika…
Rudi London received his Skuildus Kalenstranda Esoterisium Philossomato Deuseexes from The S.K.E. Institute—founded in 1357 by Primitus Regius Ned Henry MacStrand from Scone, near Perth, Scotland. Sk. London has received lyrical awards from The American Song Festival, Los Angeles, Music City Song Festival, Nashville, among others. His poetical works have been featured in books, newspapers, magazines, on radio and TV networks including popular music charts and talk shows, translated into four different languages with marketing and distribution to numerous countries in both Europe and The Americas. The S.K.E. Institute introduced London to The Magnificence of The Word. The underlying principles establishing the true relationship between language practice and actual physical behavior was the primum mobile of London’s novel debut, The Operator Is Calling. With his second book, 3 Angels, the author took us on a journey beyond imagination. In No Escape From Berlin, we entered right into the middle of evil. And now... Chance West adds another dimension to your view of the Universe.