Hello to
you, reading the back of this book!
Want to read a heartwarming story
about a little lion? Well, I've got one
for you! It began this past summer, and
boy, was it a summer to remember! I
worked my first job, made many new friends, learned a lot of lessons in life, but
most importantly, I met my best friend Chance, the little lion in this
story! Okay, he is actually not a lion,
but rather, a Pomeranian, a small, fluffy dog that looks like a lion! Chance is
very special! Over the summer, we both
learned about love, friendship, faith & belief, and what it means to work
hard for things that are important in life.
Interested yet? Well, let's get
started, and turn to page '1', so I can tell you all about it!
friend, Scott