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Book details
  • SubGenre:Political Economy
  • Language:English
  • Pages:184
  • eBook ISBN:9780996836166


Pathway to Break the Two-Party Monopoly on Politics

by Wayne A. Nealis

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This book argues for building a political opposition to challenge the two major parties' ideological control over US politics. An opposition built around a campaign for a peaceful US foreign policy and shared, universal social benefits. The analysis suggests that a political alternative along these lines can gain traction among tens of millions. An effort to organize such a political project, independent of the two parties, is long overdue. It is also step along a pathway to confront the political rule of capitalists over economic, social and foreign policy. In short, it is a way out of our present political quagmire. The question to ask is whether left, progressive and peace groups will commit to, plan, implement and sustain the multiyear campaign that is needed. This book offers a strategic framework through which to do so.

This book offers a pathway forward, strategically and tactically, to break the hold the two major political parties have on political discourse and social and economic policy. Challenge Capitalist Political Power includes a concise history of neoliberal capitalism and the reasons for its demise in the economic crisis of 2008. Readers learn why US capitalism is shifting from neoliberal globalized to nationalist economics. While Trump's 2016 campaign placed nationalist economics on the nation's political agenda, the Biden administration is implementing the scheme. Different name, same system. The book includes a critique of the Biden-Democratic social benefits program, Build Back Better (BBB), that is/was woefully inadequate. To raise aspirations beyond BBB, the author urges left and progressive forces to plan and implement a multiyear campaign for peace in conjunction with an expanded version of Bernie Sanders, 2016 working class economic program. On foreign policy the author assesses the Biden administration's actions and policies by examining the documents of think tanks involved in formulating what is a continuation of the decades-long bipartisan imperialist foreign policy. If you are you are a socialist, communist or peace and social justice activist in US or elsewhere you'll find this book useful, informative and for US activists a practical guide to action. For US activists who aspire to fight for something more than reforms at the margins, this is a must read.

Permissions for graphics used in Appendix fliers

  • Graphic showing statutory minimum paid vacation used with permission of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. Website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Chart from article, “No-Vacation Nation,” by Adewale Maye, May 2019.
  • Logo on childcare flier used with permission from $10aday.ca campaign.
  • High speed rail map used with permission from US High Speed Rail Association.
About the author

Wayne Nealis, is a writer, journalist and activist living in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is the author of the 2015 book, Which Way Forward?: Challenge the Two-Party Capitalist System, published by Adonde Press, a press he founded in 2015. A series called, Adonde Café Pamphlets, includes a collection of his articles on US electoral politics: The 2016 Election: Analysis, Lessons and Tasks Ahead. His other pamphlets include Global Warming, Capitalism and Socialist Solutions (2016), The Imperialist Offensive and the U.S. Peace Movement (2018) and Trump's Economic Nationalism and the Trajectory of Global Capitalism (2018). His latest book on US politics and political economy, published June 2024, is titled Challenging Capitalist Political Power: In the Biden Era and Beyond. His articles and Op-eds have been published by, Minnpost.com, Minneapolis Spokesman-Recorder, the People's World and the journal WorkingUSA. Prior to attaining a B.A. in journalism at the University of Minnesota, he worked in industry as a machinist and toolmaker in shops where he was an active union member.

Book Reviews

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CHALLENGE CAPITALIST POLITICAL POWER Wayne Nealis provides us with an insightful analysis of the complex problems we face today as we search for a solution, or solutions, to the increasingly brutal behavior of the capitalist class. As Wayne notes, there are no simple or easy paths for us, but essential to progress is to build an organization with broad appeal. Read more