The story is set in Music City, Nashville, TN, and contains all the ingredients to keep a reader interested. There is everything from kidknapping, drugs and torture to song priracy. The book is also very informative about the backdoor dealings of the music industry.
The story begins in Nashville, TN. when Ray August is introduced to a man that he meets at his publishling company. The man is very evasive about being introduced to Ray and tries to avoid him. Ray reconizes him from somewhere, but can not place his face. Ray begins to suspect that something is not right about this man. After some research, he finds that this man was the manager of the club in St.Louis where Ray used to work. Ray begins to ask questions and his inquiry into this mans past leads him to California. Ray meets a waitress name Linda working at a club where this writer hangs out From Linda, he finds out that the man is in the drug business as well as the music business. When things start to develope between Ray and Linda, their lives start spiraling out of control. Their lives are threatened and vilolence follows them all the way back to Nashville. The one question that Roy is intrigued about, is how this man was never known to have written a single song previously, but his name is on many hit songs. You will be caught up in the backlash that Ray gets from asking too many questions.