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Book details
  • SubGenre:Family / Siblings
  • Age Range (years):13 and up
  • Language:English
  • Pages:171
  • eBook ISBN:9781623099213

Bustah And Bumpah

A Tale Of Two Whales

by Ken Buckley

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Two tiny Maine fishing villages are split apart when two whales pay an impromptu visit. Fishermen and the police chief plan to get rid of the visitors. But a widowed lighthouse keeper and her two young friends, risk job and family splits, and take a stand to save the whales.
Inspired by a true event, two Beluga whales slip into tiny Quarry Cove in Maine, encouraged by a widowed lighthouse keeper, who has an undying affection for all animals, especially whales. The whales create a tremendous draw of tourists, who flood the main highway and pack into the village. The local police chief , bothered by a huge traffic snarl, along with disgruntled fishermen who fear for the fish, plan to rid the village of the animals. But Nettie Beal, a widowed lighthouse keeper and local postmistress defies the community defying threat of losing her job and home. Karl Bunker and Christine Alley back Nettie up, even their own family life is threatened by parents with opposing views on what to do with the whales. A jealous and spurned boyfriend of Christine's threatens to take the matter even further. But rallying support of school chums, the undaunted trio turn the tables on the whales' foes, and engineer a dramatic escape.
About the author
Reporter, columnist, photographer, editor, and publisher of his own newspaper. Ken Buckley also shingled roofs, painted houses, shoveled gravel, tarred roads, and built lobster traps. In between, he knocked out a few short films, and produced dozens of TV commercials. He enjoyed promoting a wide variety of musical and trade shows. But his main love, besides family and sailing, is writing. Sold his first news item when he was eighteen and then worked for a large Maine newspaper for 32 years.