About the author
Writing is Tammi’s second career, after twenty years working with children and families, specializing in promoting literacy. She is a newspaper columnist, blogger (www.aintiawriter.blogspot.com) and novelist, who dabbles in poetry, primarily narrative. She is a published poet in several anthologies, including The Widow’s Handbook with a forward by Justice Ginsberg, to be released in 2014 (Kent State University Press). A lifelong lover of children’s literature she has several picture book projects in progress. Broken Buckets is Tammi’s first completed novel and first eBook. Its exploration of contemporary social concerns is a departure from her usual research-heavy strolls through historical ones. Her current novel-in-progress focuses on race relations during and after the American revolution. She considers herself a storyteller and loves nothing more than to hear, read or share a good tale.
Tammi is co-founder of The Prickly Pear Poetry Project, a non-profit writing workshop for those affected by the cancer experience. She is a member of several writing related organizations and a local writing critique group. Currently she serves as annual contest coordinator for the The NH Poetry Society. While she has always loved teaching and has taught in settings from preschools to prisons, she still loves learning and furthers her education in every way possible. Last year Tammi completed a week long writing retreat on Monhegan Island off the coast of Maine, and in the summer of 2013 she is thrilled to be a participating writer in A Room of her Own Foundation’s annual retreat at Georgia O’Keeffe’s Ghost Ranch in New Mexico. She lives in a New England harbor town, where she practices the arts of writing, mothering, cooking, gardening and yoga, while working as a docent, teacher, and book group facilitator at a living history museum.