“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” That’s what we’re taught, isn’t it? We keep striving for more and very often fall into the trap of “I’ll be happy when . . . ,” believing one more achievement or one more possession will finally make us happy. But the research shows that even when we get these things, they don’t result in lasting happiness. And, unfortunately, this constant pursuit of money, success, and happiness has left millions of people knee-deep in debt or victim to foreclosure or bankruptcy. How did we get so caught up? What led so many hard-working people to believe more money, bigger houses, fancier cars, and more successful careers or businesses were the keys to happiness? "Breaking The Spell" delves into the reasons we tend to pursue happiness in the form of money, success, and material possessions. It investigates the role played by societal and cultural influences, our educational system, and the personal development industry. It looks at how we have been influenced by social media, reality television, and advertising. It considers the impact of the real estate and financial markets and even takes a look at generational trends, personality type, and addiction. All in an effort to explain how we have become spellbound by the pursuit of money and success and, more importantly, to enable us to break the spell and finally experience the happiness we are seeking.