Paul Streitz's Story is your Story. His book will convince you that the most dramatic and adventurous stories don’t always come from Hollywood. Rather, it’s the story of someone like you and me, facing the kind of dramas we all face. A story you can feel in your gut, because it’s YOUR story.
Granted, Paul Streitz has experienced some things you probably haven’t—like two bouts with cancer, shocking betrayals at home and work, and building a business worth millions. But the emotions he describes and the lessons he has learned are universal: they really hit home.
Blue-Collar Buddha is a book that will leave you wiser and stronger, no matter where you are in life. This book will make you think . . . about your own life.
Following each episode in Paul’s life story are self-reflection questions that challenge you to consider similar experiences in your own life, the effect they’ve had on you, and how you can learn from them as Paul did.
Take the time to answer these self-reflection questions and you’ll come away motivated to make healthy changes in your life. This book is an amazing LEARNING OPPORTUNITY as well as an addictive read!
Blue-Collar Buddha provides a powerful reminder that life will present you only with obstacles you can overcome, and that adversity is the gateway to greatness. It’s a book that will equip you to meet any challenge that comes your way.
"This wonderful, warm, inspiring book will motivate you to set bigger goals and then persevere over all obstacles until you succeed.” Brian Tracy, Author of No Excuses!
This witty and charming book delivers age-old wisdom through entertaining and enlightening stories of Paul's life adventures on his journey to becoming a self-made millionaire. You're sure to enjoy the ride as you absorb valuable life and business skills to further your personal and professional success!”
Bree Maresca-Kramer M.A.
Relationship Expert, Life Coach & Author
The stories that Paul shares in this book are filled with uncommon wisdom and valuable pointers that can help anyone be happier and more successful while leading a balanced life.”
Tom Gegax, Author of The Big Book of Small Business
The perfect book to curl up with on a cold winter night . . .
Put the kids to bed, light the fire, and curl up on your sofa with Blue-Collar Buddha. This is one of those books you won’t be able to put down. You’ll still be thinking about it a long time later, and benefiting from the wisdom you’ve gleaned.