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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Historical / General
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Black Clouds in Manila
  • Series Number:2
  • Pages:189
  • eBook ISBN:9781483525761

Black Clouds in Manila: A People Undefeated

Book 2

by Tessie Jayme

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Philippines has surrendered to the Japanese, and General Douglas MacArthur has retreated with the promise to return. The Filipino people’s defense of their homeland has failed, and while they have surrendered to the Japanese occupation, they refuse to see themselves as defeated. Along with his fellow soldiers, Torio is malnutrioned and sick with malaria, but at least he manages to elude the 25-mile Bataan Death March. Rissing’s friend, Juan Delacruz, is not as fortunate. He watches firsthand the atrocities perpetrated by Japanese soldiers, as well as unexpected acts of kindness from them. By now the Japanese have infiltrated all of the Philippine islands, and the Filipino people are using guerrilla tactics to rebel against their presence. In Manila, Lucing faces her conflicting emotions for the Camp Commander. In Panay, Torio signs up to work in a Japanese mining camp with his family. Responsible for the Camp Commander’s laundry, Rissing earns his respect and trust, and the Commander proves instrumental in her family’s survival in camp. Rumors of America’s plans to liberate the Philippines prompts Torio to move his family out of the mining camp. Then news of MacArthur’s imminent return electrifies the Filipino people.
Philippines has surrendered to the Japanese, and General Douglas MacArthur has retreated with the promise to return. The Filipino people’s defense of their homeland has failed, and while they have surrendered to the Japanese occupation, they refuse to see themselves as defeated. Along with his fellow soldiers, Torio is malnutrioned and sick with malaria, but at least he manages to elude the 25-mile Bataan Death March. Rissing’s friend, Juan Delacruz, is not as fortunate. He watches firsthand the atrocities perpetrated by Japanese soldiers, as well as unexpected acts of kindness from them. By now the Japanese have infiltrated all of the Philippine islands, and the Filipino people are using guerrilla tactics to rebel against their presence. In Manila, Lucing faces her conflicting emotions for the Camp Commander. In Panay, Torio signs up to work in a Japanese mining camp with his family. Responsible for the Camp Commander’s laundry, Rissing earns his respect and trust, and the Commander proves instrumental in her family’s survival in camp. Rumors of America’s plans to liberate the Philippines prompts Torio to move his family out of the mining camp. Then news of MacArthur’s imminent return electrifies the Filipino people.
About the author
Tessie Jayme wrote her first novel when she was 16 years old during summer vacation before her senior year in Pittsburg Sr. High, California. She is a strong proponent of the concept that humans currently use only 10-12% of their brain capacities and strives always to enliven the other 88-90% of her potential. Her first novel needs a serious rewrite before publication… and may never get rewritten. However, she has since published two non-fiction works: “BOOK OF YES,” and “I DREAMT I WAS NAKED.” Additionally, she has published “ATOP PEGASUS,” a novel of forbidden love, and a science-fiction fantasy trilogy series, “PEACE WARRIORS OF THE GALAXY.” Many other novels are in the planning and research stages. Meanwhile, a sequel to “BLACK CLOUDS IN MANILA” is in the works… tentatively titled, “BLUE SKIES IN AMERICA.” Tessie’s home is in Arizona, but because she cannot resist the magic of the movie world, she often visits Los Angeles, California to spend time with her daughter and daughter-in-law and their cats at their home.