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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Biblical Studies / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:53
  • eBook ISBN:9780985367442


The History and Doctrine of Christian Baptism

by John W. Schoenheit

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Most Christians are blissfully unaware of the bloody history of water baptism, and that Christians have murdered other Christians for baptizing people the "wrong" way. But is there a "right" way to baptize? In this book, John Schoenheit examines the historic roots of baptism, and shows why, by the time of John the Baptist, baptism was an accepted practice in ancient Israel. He also examines the history of baptism in the Church, and shows the reasons why some people believe immersion is the correct method of baptism, while other people believe pouring or sprinkling is the preferred method.
Most Christians are blissfully unaware of the bloody history of water baptism, and that Christians have murdered other Christians for baptizing people the "wrong" way. But is there a "right" way to baptize? In this book, John Schoenheit examines the historic roots of baptism, and shows why, by the time of John the Baptist, baptism was an accepted practice in ancient Israel. He also examines the history of baptism in the Church, and shows the reasons why some people believe immersion is the correct method of baptism, while other people believe pouring or sprinkling is the preferred method. Also, he explains that water baptism was symbolic and pointed to a greater reality. Animal sacrifice pointed to the greater reality of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and similarly, the prophets, John the Baptist, and even Jesus, taught that water baptism pointed to the greater reality of baptism in the spirit. This book is more than simply a historic study. It reveals the heart of God in the water rituals of the Old Testament, the baptisms of John, Jesus, and the early Church, and then brings us into our modern times and shows what is acceptable, and what we should expect to see regarding baptism in our churches today.
About the author
John Schoenheit has been researching and teaching the Bible for over 40 years both in the USA and abroad. He is the president and a co-founder of Spirit & Truth Fellowship International, a ministry dedicated to biblically based teaching and fellowship. John has authored and co-authored numerous books on biblical subjects, including, The Bible: You Can Believe It; The Christian's Hope: The Anchor of the Soul; Don't Blame God: A Biblical Answer to the Problem of Evil, Sin, and Suffering; The Gift of Holy Spirit: The Power to Be Like Christ; and The Death Penalty: Godly or Ungodly? John leads tours to Israel and the Mediterranean, and also runs camps and conferences on how to study the Bible. John and his family live in Bloomington, IN.