Mathematics is a distinct way of thinking. Math is a subject that terrifies millions of youngsters all around the world. They will go to any length to avoid math. They put off taking math as long as possible in school and college, and when given the option, they choose majors that require little or no math. Despite widespread agreement that mathematics is a critical subject for the growth of any country in general and the development of individual minds in particular, many students struggle with mathematics anxiety or dislike during their academic careers.
The majority of pupils do not understand mathematical concepts, do not see why mathematical procedures operate, or do not know when to utilise a certain mathematical technique, and this is evident in low mathematics performance. Why is Math such a difficult subject for students? How can we properly comprehend this situation? What can be done to alleviate the crippling consequences of math anxiety and avoidance? Mathematics anxiety refers to psychological problems that obstruct pupils' ability to learn mathematics. Despite the fact that this element plays a significant part in the learning process, research on it has not been thoroughly conducted.
Almost every sector of human activity is defined by modifications that can be classified as corrections or extensions as time passes. In this first edition of the book, an effort is made to go a step further by providing clear information on detecting how anxiety impacts children's capacity to acquire those concepts and what we can do to help them understand them. This edition focuses on identifying key factors that contribute to Maths anxiety, classroom practices, teaching skills development, the role of parents and teachers, customizing a need-based remedial program, and developing an automated process to identify deficient areas and levels of Maths anxiety.
Our experience as a counselor, teacher, and workshop trainer has led us to deal with Maths anxiety pupils and build a unique, complete, multimodal automated technique to determine Maths anxiety and insufficiency levels. Furthermore, this well-defined methodology for identifying deficiencies and anxiety greatly aided us in developing a need-based remedial program that included anxiety management and reduction, reduction of internal psychological stumbling blocks, attitude change (reversing negative "Maths self-talk" to create positive attitudes), confidence building, and learning and teaching style enhancement. We believe that this book will assist readers in reprogramming their mind in order to promote math performance.
Target Audience and Potential Uses:
In the previous 60 years, research has revealed a lot about mathematics anxiety, but we still have a lot to learn. Mathematics anxiety is a widespread problem in education that demands both educators and researchers' attention in order to help pupils achieve their full academic potential. This book provides an overview of previous research into the relationship between math anxiety and math achievement, as well as factors that can cause math anxiety, student characteristics that can increase their susceptibility to math anxiety, and measures that educators can take to alleviate math anxiety. The study of this book will assist all interested readers in understanding the causes and severity of math anxiety, as well as the many rating scales for math anxiety and their function in reducing it. They'll also learn about an automated method for detecting math anxiety (IMATAP – Identifying Mathematics Anxiety Through Automated Process) and a remedial program. This book will be valuable for many teachers, educators, and researchers since gaps in the literature are evaluated, as well as ideas for future research that might assist improve the field's grasp of this essential subject. Furthermore, due to its distinctive features, this book can be utilised as a reference in schools, colleges, and universities.