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Book details
  • SubGenre:Angels & Spirit Guides
  • Language:English
  • Pages:215
  • eBook ISBN:9780988624306

Ascension Lessons From Lady Masters

by Dhyana Markley

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ASCENSION LESSONS FROM LADY MASTERS by Dhyana Markley is a book compiled of almost 100 messages of telepathic conversations with more than 20 females and one male (Jesus/ Sananda Kumara) Ascended Masters over a period of three years. We all felt that it was time that humankind knows more about female Masters, whose spiritual awareness and consciousness matches and sometimes even surpasses male Masters. Each Master chose the subjects for each message according to the wisdom they wanted to impart on that day. These messages are timeless, so you will soon discover the dates they were dictated is unimportant. Dhyana scribed their dictations and now distributes them to those interested in the messages of these Lady Masters... and Jesus/Sananda.

ASCENSION LESSONS FROM LADY MASTERS by Dhyana Markley is a book compiled of almost 100 messages of telepathic conversations with more than 20 females and one male (Jesus/ Sananda Kumara) Ascended Masters over a period of three years. We all felt that it was time that humankind knows more about female Masters, whose spiritual awareness and consciousness matches and sometimes even surpasses male Masters. Each Master chose the subjects for each message according to the wisdom they wanted to impart on that day. These messages are timeless, so you will soon discover the dates they were dictated is unimportant. Dhyana scribed their dictations and distributes them to those interested in the messages of these Lady Masters... and Jesus/Sananda. Some of the subjects of these "Ascension Lessons" are: Mother God; Trials & Tribulations of Females; Life; Death; Trust; Fear; Harmony; Gossip; Male & Female Relationships; Love, Light & Laughter; Music of the Spheres; Great Changes; Earth World Conditions; Conflict & Chaos; Misunderstandings Regarding Ascension; Freedom; The State of Your Heart; Needed Clarity; Our World's Relationship To Other Worlds; Inner Earth & Its People; Telepathy; Kindness..... and their points of view on many other subjects.
About the author

Born in Bennington, Kansas in 1941, I (Dhyana Markley) left home after high school, to attend two colleges and the K.U. Medical Center for Radiological Technology. About four years later I became a night club singer in Houston, Texas then started to travel the world as a singer... recording several songs, appearing on television and in several national magazines as a model.. During my travels, I visited several Sacred Power spots, met many unusual people and read many wonderful books. One day I realized that I was sick and tired of being reincarnated and yelled that statement to the Universe at the top of my lungs. My life changed from that moment and I have been lead on a conscious spiritual journey for the past 40 plus years. I discovered I am telepathic with the Over Souls of all conscious beings within this Creation. I also have the ability to see, hear and travel within, and even beyond, all higher vibrating spiritual worlds, Planes and Dimensions. I do not channel, nor do I allow any entities to enter and take over my body. I also do not go into trance for these meetings. I have telepathic conversations with various individuals and if they say anything I do not understand, I ask them to clarify before continuing to scribe or take dictation. I also will not put my name to anything with which I disagree. I strive for a high percentage of truth in my work, although I must agree that no one upon or within Earth at this time, ever speaks or communicates 100% truth. There are some truths that our human population are not quite ready to hear… yet. No one is ever force fed a higher truth that will destroy preconceived ideas or false information that they have been lead to deeply believe. Motivated by various living and Ascended Masters, I was inspired to start writing down my conversations with them and describing the things I saw and experienced. In 2008, with the help of a dear friend, we set up a website: http://www.AscendedMastersSpeak.com which has received visitors from around the world. It is currently not in service. So many people have shared various scribings and articles written by me with friends and family, that if one were to "Google Search" my name, they would find many pages referencing me and my work. I currently lead a rather quiet life in Kansas with my dog Jack, working to help uplift the All That Is and ITS continued Ascension. Thank you for your interest in me and my work. Dhyana Markley