This book covers the journeys through time and places of two bothers, Allan and Bruce, enamored by rural and remote landscapes, particularly wilderness areas. The brother's early interests were in hiking, camping, and wilderness. Their childhood was shaped by a tantalizing wilderness next door, the Bob Marshal Wilderness of Monatana, and memorable family backpacking events. Watching from the treetops as a grizzly bear shreds your tent, sleeping bag, and miscellaneous gear had a formative impression on the brother's futures. Thanks to their Mom and Dad for the atypical childhood!
The early careers of Allan and Bruce continued the theme of being outdoor focused, particularly in rural and remote landscapes. Their careers in geology/hydrology and rang management/remote sensing led to divergent experiences but they both maintained the allure of nature, landscape scenery, novel dilemmas, and crafty solutions.
With the arrival of retirement, the brothers refocused on a shared interest and passion for exploring and adventures in the middle of nowhere. They sought to experience and appreciate nature in the wilds. Their stories and amazing color photographs let them share their experiences with you. Follow the brothers through their adventures in the mountains, woodlands, and deserts (Bob Marshal Wilderness, Montana; Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona; Sawtooth Wilderness, Idaho; The Gila Wilderness; New Mexico, Wind River mountains, Wyoming; and Big Bend National Park, Texas).
It is hoped that this book will motivate you to lace up your boots and explore and enjoy your public lands.