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Book details
  • Genre:RELIGION
  • SubGenre:Spirituality
  • Language:English
  • Pages:77
  • eBook ISBN:9780980718843

Angel Altars

Creating Your Own Sacred Space

by Michelle Newton

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Angel Altars: Creating your Own Sacred Space by author Michelle Newton will assist you to invite Angels into your life. Take a journey with Michelle as she personally reflects on the many diff erent avenues she has used to connect with her Angels over many years. Communicating with your Angels can bring clarity, understanding, and calm to overcome your diffi culties, and joy, energy and inspiration to fulfi l your life goals and dreams. Creating an Angel Altar is one of the most enjoyable ways to develop and maintain a close connection with your Angels. Learn how to create a beautiful Angel Altar of Connection or Remembrance. Also learn how to create an Angel Altar of Manifestation, amplifying the energy of your altar by using sacred geometry, crystals, symbolism and the power of the written word and colour. Our Angels are naturally attracted to places of great beauty and love. By creating a sacred space it will strengthen your connection with the Divine, your Angels and Spirit. “Spiritual practice brings us one step closer to the Kingdom of Heaven”.
Angel Altars: Creating your Own Sacred Space by author Michelle Newton will assist you to invite Angels into your life. Take a journey with Michelle as she personally reflects on the many diff erent avenues she has used to connect with her Angels over many years. Communicating with your Angels can bring clarity, understanding, and calm to overcome your diffi culties, and joy, energy and inspiration to fulfi l your life goals and dreams. Creating an Angel Altar is one of the most enjoyable ways to develop and maintain a close connection with your Angels. Learn how to create a beautiful Angel Altar of Connection or Remembrance. Also learn how to create an Angel Altar of Manifestation, amplifying the energy of your altar by using sacred geometry, crystals, symbolism and the power of the written word and colour. Our Angels are naturally attracted to places of great beauty and love. By creating a sacred space it will strengthen your connection with the Divine, your Angels and Spirit. “Spiritual practice brings us one step closer to the Kingdom of Heaven”.
About the author
Michelle Newton is an Angel Intuitive® trained by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D in 2005. She worked as a general nurse for thirty years. Over these years she worked in general, surgical, theatre and emergency wards. In the later stage of her nursing career she worked as an after-hours hospital supervisor and spent twelve months lecturing acute nursing at La Trobe University Shepparton. Michelle’s thirst for knowledge has also seen her study many natural therapies including: Touch for Health (Kinesiology) Dip. Kinesiology SNHS, Thought field Therapy, Dip. Crystal Healing SNHS. In 2006 she founded the Angels of Kindness Fund. In 2009 AOK went online with the launch of her website and online Angel shop. To view the beautiful range of A.O.K products as well as an exquisite selection of Angel products and gifts visit: In 2010 Michelle self-published The Angel Feather Oracle Card Deck and The Angel Feather Oracle Companion Book. In June 2011 Michelle took a leap of faith to follow her passion and work full time in her A.O.K business; writing, public speaking, delivering seminars and managing her online shop. Recently she commenced A.O.K Angel Party Plan. Michelle invites you to sign up for her monthly A.O.K Angels newsletter on the home page of the website. Through the newsletter you will be kept informed of Michelle’s speaking engagements. Michelle also invites you to join her on the AOK Angels facebook page. Link to facebook page can be found on aokangels.com.au homepage.