Angel Altars: Creating your Own Sacred Space by author Michelle Newton will assist you to invite Angels into your life. Take a journey with Michelle as she personally reflects on the many diff erent avenues she has used to connect with her Angels over many years. Communicating with your Angels can bring clarity, understanding, and calm to overcome your diffi culties, and joy, energy and inspiration to fulfi l your life goals and dreams.
Creating an Angel Altar is one of the most enjoyable ways to develop and maintain a close connection with your Angels. Learn how to create a beautiful Angel Altar of Connection or Remembrance. Also learn how to create an Angel Altar of Manifestation, amplifying the energy of your altar by using sacred geometry, crystals, symbolism and the power of the written word and colour. Our Angels are naturally attracted to places of great beauty and love. By creating a sacred space it will strengthen your connection with the Divine, your Angels and Spirit.
“Spiritual practice brings us one step closer to the Kingdom of Heaven”.