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Book details
  • Genre:SELF-HELP
  • SubGenre:Spiritual
  • Language:English
  • Series title:Ascended Masters' Journals
  • Series Number:3
  • Pages:400
  • eBook ISBN:9781927594001

The Seventh Golden Age

Ascended Masters' Journals Volume Three

by Akasha and Asun

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Volume Three of the Ascended Masters’ Journals offers us the means and ways we can embrace the Seventh Golden Age that is here now, and become free of all that has limited us. This book continues the Teachings of the Ascended Host who offer us the Knowledge of the ‘Tree of Life’, the ‘Purpose of Life’ and the ‘Truth of Life’.


Volume Three of the Ascended Masters’ Journals offers us the means and ways we can embrace the Seventh Golden Age that is here now, and become free of all that has limited us. This book continues the Teachings of the Ascended Host who offer us the Knowledge of the ‘Tree of Life’, the ‘Purpose of Life’ and the ‘Truth of Life’. The Masters teach us we have lived only a fraction of our True Self, and therefore have experienced lives of limitation. Now the opportunity is before us to awaken and express our Divinity, transforming, healing and raising our lives into greater Perfection. The Teachings of the Masters reveal to us how we can accomplish this and provide the Divine Intervention and Assistance to make it so.

About the author

This book contains Discourses from the Ascended Masters Akasha and Asun, as well as Discourses from many other Ascended Masters, who reveal to us the Secret Knowledge of the Tree of Life, also known as the Ascended Master Teachings. Beloved Akasha and Asun come to us from the Great Central Sun, offering to us the return of the Divine Mother’s Presence, Divine Love.