In a recent survey more than 70 percent of Americans polled thought our country was headed in the wrong direction. Who's responsible and what can be done to change course? CHECK ENGINE LIGHT addresses many of the concerns and issues that contributed to the survey results.
What do you do when the CHECK ENGINE light on your dashboard lights up? Of course you get your vehicle checked as soon as you can to avoid further problems and unnecessary expenses. American citizens are the engine of democracy and the check engine light of our country is lit. America is in trouble and all of us American citizens are to blame. As a nation, we have grown content with our lives and have taken our freedoms for granted. We have become complacent with the status quo and stopped paying attention to social and political issues that impact our lives and those of our children and grandchildren.
Check Engine is not about blaming any social, ethnic, racial, or political group for what's happening in America and needs to be changed. It's about identifying issues, stimulating thought and conversation so every American can begin to make conscious decisions on what they want America to be in the coming years. The country we grew up in is changing and it's time for every citizen to consider where we go as a country from here.
As a disabled military veteran, I'm committed to helping those who served our communities and country. Thirty percent of the after tax proceeds from the sale of this book will be split and evenly contributed to the Tunnels to Towers Foundation and the Wounded Warriors Project.