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Book details
  • Genre:HUMOR
  • SubGenre:Topic / Politics
  • Language:English
  • Pages:100
  • eBook ISBN:9781618422057

America A Society Gone Wrong

One Mans Opinion

by Chris Vaca

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How many times have you sat in front of the T.V. watching the news shaking your head saying “what the hell is going on with this country” Well I said it once too often and decided to put my concerns into words. I also got tired of hearing politicians say “this is what the American people want” I said to myself wait, I'm an American people and that’s not what I want. It was then I decided to let the politicians know what an American really wants, not what they want us to want.
America: A Society Gone Wrong is a book of serious political subjects discussed with humorous overtones. We have all heard politicians and celebrities telling us what is right and what we should believe in. But what about the real people, the everyday people? What do they think and feel? Politicians always say “this is what the American people want”. But are they right? Is it really what the American people want? I don’t say I speak for every American. I am not a politician, and I am not a celebrity. But I do mingle with the everyday people, and I pretty much know how they feel. Subjects such as illegal immigration, God in our society, family values, and much more are discussed in this book with a touch of humor. With the state of today’s political atmosphere, people are angry and want to get back to the basics of what made this country great. Many think we are headed down the wrong path, and rightly so.
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