Alexander-The Quest for Hope is an exhilarating action-adventure novel that follows the journey of Alexander, a 15-year-old demigod and the son of Hades. Living in the Underworld, Alexander longs for a life beyond the confines of his father's realm. His wish is partially granted when Hades tasks him with a mission: to retrieve a group of frolicking children from the fields of Asphodel. However, this simple task spirals into a grand adventure when Alexander encounters Scythian dracaena, mysterious prophecies, and other demigods who join him on his quest.
Guided by a prophecy and accompanied by Troy, the son of Poseidon, and Kate, a daughter of Zeus, Alexander must navigate a world filled with divine politics and ancient grudges. The trio embarks on a perilous journey that leads them to face dangerous creatures, treacherous gods, and the ultimate challenge: retrieving Pandora's box, a relic that holds the power to bring hope—or despair—to the world.
As they travel from the Underworld to the mortal realm and finally to the volcanic landscapes of Hilo, Hawaii, they must confront their deepest fears and insecurities. Alexander, in particular, struggles with his relationship with his father and the burden of his heritage. In a climactic showdown against the Olympian gods, the young heroes must prevent the gods from unleashing everlasting despair upon humanity while finding the strength and courage within themselves.