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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Thrillers / General
  • Language:English
  • Pages:364
  • eBook ISBN:9781491708842

Against Their Will

by Nancy Livingstone

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Prominent Houston reporter Lynn McCane is exhausted when she boards a flight from Los Angeles to Houston. Stretched to her limits after working on a feature series for the past three months, all Lynn wants to do is sleep. Sitting next to her is Matt Grayson, Hollywood's latest heartthrob; he's looking forward to a much-coveted weekend respite. As the plane takes off, neither of them realizes that their lives will soon change forever. Their plane is hit by lightning and crashes in the pine woods of East Texas, leaving Lynn injured and Matt shaken. Somehow they have survived, but only by the help of forces unknown to them. What follows is a baffling sequence of events. Matt is told Lynn has died, yet he encounters her in Los Angeles insisting she is not Lynn but Linda McGowan. They soon discover they are embroiled in a conspiracy of government cover-ups and and unauthorized scientific research. Together, Matt and Lynn embark on a journey to uncover and stop the research and those who developed it and prevent it being used on powerful individuals who could change the direction of the country's economy with the right encouragement.
Matt Grayson, Hollywood's newest star is looking forward to a long weekend respite in Texas, celebrating his mother's birthday. As he boards the flight to Houston, he is still spinning from all the sudden and constant attention his new movie has garnered for him. He settles in his seat and waits for the plane to depart. Lynn McCane is an investigative reporter for the Houston Chronicle. She has been working non-stop on a series of reports on the latest and greatest medical inventions. Her research led her to numerous cities, the latest of which was Los Angeles. As she followed one lead to another, she discovered more than she bargained for. Now, she is racing to get back to Houston and share her information with her colleagues at the paper, for it is information so damming that it could bring down powerful leaders both in business and the government. Their plane departs and for the first part of the flight, all is normal. Matt and Lynn chat briefly after their meal, and then the passengers settle in for the flight, thinking there is nothing to be concerned about. When the plane is hit by lightning their smooth ride changes to a roller coaster of life and death. They go down in the pine woods of East Texas. Although they survive, nothing seems right after the flight. Matt knows Lynn is in serious condition and needs help. When he finally finds someone to help, he is too late and is told she has died. Matt does not want to accept it and fights those who try to prove she is truly dead. Later, after reluctantly returning to Los Angeles to begin work on his next film, he encounters Lynn. When he insists she is the woman from his flight, that she is Lynn McCane, the woman informs him that she is Linda McGowan and that she has never been to Houston. As Matt refuses to give up that she is indeed, Lynn McCane, he tries to convince her that he is right. She refuses. But the more Matt insists, the more Linda seems unnerved by his assertions. When the FBI shows up asking about Linda's experience in the hospital, they are even more bewildered. Events unfold that force Matt and Linda to seek answers as they learn they are now wanted and a large reward has been posted for information on their whereabouts. As they seek answers they uncover information that, if found to be true, could topple government officials as well as some very powerful business leaders. As they race against time to reveal what they have learned, they discover the President of the United States is slated to be the next victim.
About the author
Nancy Livingstone although born and raised in North Carolina, has lived all over the United States. She has an undergraduate degree from Appalachian State University in Biology and Psychology Education. She also holds a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology. Nancy uses experiences from her life in crafting her stories. In Against Their Will, she took her fascination and research into the film industry and created the back story for one of her characters. Her work experience in the medical profession also played a role in the story line. She uses real locations for settings and only adapts them as needed to complete the story line. Nancy has another novel, Emerald Beach, due out in 2015. Other books soon to be completed are Glen's Song and Pharma Minds, a sequel to Against Their Will. If Nancy is not tapping away on her computer, you'll probably find her strolling one of North Carolina's fabulous beaches.