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Book details
  • Genre:FICTION
  • SubGenre:Science Fiction / Action & Adventure
  • Language:English
  • Pages:265
  • eBook ISBN:9781618429520

Abney Park's The Wrath Of Fate

by Robert Brown

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There will come a time... When freedom is considered too dangerous. Cities are walled, and citizens are chained to round-the-clock jobs to keep them controlled. Change and progress are outlawed. There will come a time... When clockworks wake up, only to find they are not allowed to be awake. They hide in fear, not daring to break their chains of slavery. There will come a time... When freedom is outlawed. The last free people must scrape a living in the dirt of the prairies, or in the skies above them. These hardened men and women fight for their lives and their freedom against beasts of the plains, police in the cities, and pirates in the sky. When freedom is outlawed, only the outlaws are free. This time will come, and it will be my fault. Sorry about that.
There will come a time... When freedom is considered too dangerous. Cities are walled, and citizens are chained to round-the-clock jobs to keep them controlled. Change and progress are outlawed. There will come a time... When clockworks wake up, only to find they are not allowed to be awake. They hide in fear, not daring to break their chains of slavery. There will come a time... When freedom is outlawed. The last free people must scrape a living in the dirt of the prairies, or in the skies above them. These hardened men and women fight for their lives and their freedom against beasts of the plains, police in the cities, and pirates in the sky. When freedom is outlawed, only the outlaws are free. This time will come, and it will be my fault. Sorry about that.
About the author
One of the most notable names in Steampunk, “Captain” Robert Brown has been writing stories of this world at the end of days for more than 20 years. Over 80 songs spanning 10 albums detail the adventures of the crew of the HMS Ophelia and their adventures through time.