Growing up in Brooklyn in the 1970's and 1980's was a great time for a kid. Life seemed so simple. A Watermelon Grows in Brooklyn is a true story about me (Michael), who wanted to grow a watermelon for his annual block party. Block parties were very popular back then. The entire street would close for the day and all the neighbors would come outside and BBQ, play music and ride their bikes up and down the block. People would decorate with lights and hang flags from the poles. Everyone would look forward to these annual block parties.
After almost a month Michael saw there was no sign of a watermelon. To avoid being disappointed and getting upset, Michael's dad saw to it that there was a watermelon attached to the vine the morning of the block party.
For many years I never knew that my dad glued that watermelon to the vine the night before the block party. Years later when I found out, I was heartbroken. Not because the watermelon didn't grow, but because I never knew how much a dad can love a son the way my dad loved me.