Anyone who has experienced hardship can empathize with feeling stuck or unsure of themself. But for victims of long-term trauma, the healing process and path to self-rediscovery is a long and winding road.
Anna Isabel Garrison's adult life began harshly, complete with police sirens flickering outside her childhood bedroom as she packed clothes into garbage bags. But while those days were tough, she had to keep moving. She kept busy by overachieving, overworking, and people-pleasing to ignore the pain.
By her early twenties, Anna thought she had life figured out. She was recently engaged, owned a house, and had built a successful career. So why was she depressed, bitter, and resentful? Only after a three-day stint at a remote cabin in the woods did she slow down enough to realize that the perfectionistic coping strategies she used to ignore her unhealed trauma were negatively impacting her quality of life.
A Wandering Path is a gripping and inspirational memoir that combines elements of self-reflection as the author narrates her difficult journey out of trauma and into healing and fulfillment. Her story provides a vulnerable and hopeful perspective on how one young woman can slow down, reconcile with the past, reconnect with nature, and lay the foundation to a happier, healthier future.