Book details Genre:YOUNG ADULT FICTION SubGenre:Humorous / General Age Range (years):13 and up Language:English Pages:17 eBook ISBN:9780957356801
Overview A tiger sleeping under a tree hears some birds talking. The birds think they are more important that any other creature and want the Tiger to fetch them food so they can spend more time looking at themselves. The Tiger does as asked but warns the birds there will be a price to pay - and there is! The book is intended for the age group of 4 to 7 years old and has coloured illustrations throughout. At the end there are questions and ideas for creative play based on the words and the pictures in the book. The book has been trialled with children with different reading, observational and counting skills and has proved to be successful.
Description A tiger sleeping under a tree hears some birds talking. The birds think they are more important that any other creature and want the Tiger to fetch them food so they can spend more time looking at themselves. The Tiger does as asked but warns the birds there will be a price to pay - and there is! The book is intended for the age group of 4 to 7 years old and has coloured illustrations throughout. At the end there are questions and ideas for creative play based on the words and the pictures in the book. The book has been trialled with children with different reading, observational and counting skills and has proved to be successful.
About the author Former journalist, book editor and designer, published author. These books come from the arrival of numerous grandchildren and the desire to tell them tall stories that capture their attention and imagination.