Are struggling in your faith-walk because of being hurt by others? Know that you are not alone. You are very much on the heart of GOD.
As Believers in Christ, we can walk through offense and hurt brought on us by those who we have believed are of the family of GOD and survive. We can also survive not only a bad experience with a member of the church, but also a distressing experience stemming from the actual work and mission mandated by some church organizations.
Church-hurt is real. I cross paths with those often who are no longer a part of a church or may have even departed from their faith-walk because they are wounded and limping through life. For those who have been in cult-like situations, it is much deeper than overcoming offense and moving on. It takes time for them to recover and be restored.
It is my prayer that by reading this book you will find hope and courage that leads you back to a healthy, thriving and vibrant relationship with the One who loves you most. I believe there is no relationship that is more important than the one we have with our Creator and Life-source. It is invaluable and more than worth fighting for.
This book is designed to be a simple tool to help promote YOUR healing and restoration. It is not about what happened to you. My hope is that nestled in these pages, you find at least one thing that you can identify with that starts you on a process to a healthy faith.
Choosing the word SURVIVING as a part of this book's title is significant. The definition of the word survive is this: to remain alive after the cessation of something. To get along or remain healthy, happy, and unaffected despite some occurrence. To endure or live through (an affliction, adversity, misery, etc.).
If you are in survival mode, where you feel your faith is hanging on by a thread, be of good cheer! You are more than a conqueror, an overcomer…You are a SURVIVOR!